Harvest Time

There is a time to sow and a time to harvest ! Investing in a business the end game is enjoying profits. How do you know it’s time to start enjoying your profits ? I would like to say when the time is right you will know but that will be wildly deceptive. After investingContinue reading “Harvest Time”

Are you sinking in debt without realizing you are drowning ?

One day I found myself hiding behind a file cabinet so that i could dodge the woman i owed $10 usd. The habit of buying things on credit started a few months earlier when I got employed.  I knew month end I would sort it out after my salary but the spending got a littleContinue reading “Are you sinking in debt without realizing you are drowning ?”

Turning away money is a bad move.

The past week things were hectic many business were refusing to accept the bond note as a method of payment. Whilst many coins were phased out people finally rejected the $1 coin and automatically nothing costs a dollar anymore. Then the trend moved $2 notes. Although the RBZ issued a warning nobody really listened. IT’SContinue reading “Turning away money is a bad move.”

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